Sunday, October 7, 2012

Always Check the Adam's Apple

Term 1 is over and done with.  Already a quarter of the way through my first year…craziness.  A mere 70 days until I grace ‘Merica with my presence.  Be ready y’all.  But listen to me go on and on about what’s to be when we have yet another adventure to discuss:  Thailand.

There is really only one word to describe Thailand:  lady boys.  All nice enough people and like to have their fun, but others so painfully obvious that they haunt your dreams.  I’m sure this will happen to Dingle (my travel buddy) eventually, if it hasn’t already.  But alas, I’m getting ahead of myself.  Our first day in Patong (part of Phuket) consisted of taking in our surroundings and hitting the beach.  After catching the infamous shuttle back to our hotel, we traveled up the stretch of beach that was near our hotel and pretty secluded during low tide (try not to question our heterosexuality when you read that last sentence).  It was pretty beautiful…though not as beautiful as the ‘woman’ that Dingle went on a date with.  For those that can’t connect the dots:  We came to a tentative agreement later that she had man parts.  What an idiot!  (*kicking my leg* For those that actually get that joke)

Bangla Road was an experience within itself.  We had been coerced into buying tickets to an ‘all westerners’ type bar with unlimited drink from 11-1.  Uh….yes, please.  We found some others to party with (a couple of Aussies and Hosers) and carried around buckets (literally) of adult beverages until we hopped over to the next bar.  The walk to bar #2 was probably the most interesting part of the night (though Dingle doesn’t remember it).  Stripper poles at the front of an open air bar for all to see and guys every other step asking us if we want to attend a ping pong show.  This consisted of…uh….’veteran’ women and no ping pong paddles.  Your imagination can now run wild.  We didn’t attend and I don’t think we had to.  The night ended up me being accosted by a tuk-tuk (a kind of taxi) driver to buy weed and cocaine from him.  Most intelligently, pulling out the product for me (and all around) to see.  Needless to say, he was a winner.

The trip ended with us renting scooters and driving up the coast to different beaches and eating more authentic Thai food.  It was nice to have the freedom of driving again and the satisfaction that I stayed upright the whole trip (*cough* Dingle! *cough*).  Beaches were much cleaner and more beautiful than Patong Beach:  clear, green water with white sand.  Couldn’t ask for a better way to end the trip.  One $100 bag fine later, I made my way back to Jakarta for the grind of Term 2.  Though I can’t wait to get to the States, I’m already thinking of my next trip in March.  I’m thinking Vietnam/Cambodia or Perth, Australia.  Thoughts or opinions?  Well, ‘til next time everyone.  Enjoy ‘Merica and the inevitable cold that’s about to smack you square in the face.  If you need me, I’ll be out by the pool soaking up some cosmic rays.

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